How to Get Back in Shape: 20 Tips For Success - Old School Labs
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How to Get Back in Shape: 20 Tips For Success

Key Takeaways

  1. Getting back in shape can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. By taking small action steps, you can create massive positive results over time.
  2. These 20 tips on how to get back in shape will take some time for you to rebuild healthy habits.
  3. Get into the right mentality, find your motivation, get your diet in check, and then focus on exercise.
  4. Know that cheat days can and probably will happen. Just forgive yourself and move on to the next day.

It happens to the best of us. Winter comes, an injury happens, or we simply get lazy and unmotivated. Even in the days of the Golden Era, it wasn’t uncommon for bodybuilders to take breaks every now and then.

Man Completing Hike

No matter the reason for falling out of the fitness habit, it can be difficult to get back in shape after a long break. 

Committing to your diet and exercise is really the first thing you need to do. Getting in the right mindset and making goals will set you up for continued success.

Know going in, getting back into shape is not going to be fast. It will take you months or longer to progress to your goals. It’s a process, and these tips will help you get there.

Today, we’ve got 20 tips on how to get back in shape to keep you motivated and committed.

Are you ready?

1. Figure Out Your Reason

If you are ready to get back in shape after a long time of not working out, you need to figure out your WHY.

Have you reached a weight that is too high for your liking? Did you get some bad health news from your doctor? Are you just tired of being a couch potato and ready to take action again?

Man Eating In Bed

Whatever the reason is, that is your motivation. Write it down and look at it multiple times a day. Put your WHY in several places so you’re faced with it every day:

  • Put a sticky note on your computer or mirror (or both!)
  • Save your WHY as your lock screen or background in your phone
  • Put a reminder note on your calendar or bulletin board
  • If your Why includes weight loss, put a note on the fridge or pantry door so you see it before you open it. This can help you make better food choices.

You should be very honest with what your WHY is. Whenever you lose motivation, think it’s too hard, and want to give up, you’ve got that reminder to keep you going.

2. Set Realistic and Attainable Goals

One of the surest ways to derail fitness efforts when getting back into shape is to not have realistic goals. The best way to set these goals is to use the SMART format:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Relevant
  • Timebound

 An example of a SMART fitness goal: “I will wake up at 6:30 am 4 days per week to work out.” Another goal example: “I will lose 10 pounds in the next 3 months.”

You will want to set a few different goals to strive for. Choose a food goal, fitness goal, and weight loss goal (if that’s one of your goals). Make sure they are reasonable and you are able to achieve these goals.

Your fitness goals to get back in shape at 30 might not be the same if you are now 40. Start out with small, attainable goals and then make them more challenging as you progress.

3. Track Your Habits

The only way to know that you are reaching your goals is to track your habits. What is the best way to track? Some may prefer to use an app, a physical calendar or journal, or their phone.

Workout Notebook

Have tracking systems for your:

  • Workouts – what days you will work out and what muscle group or type of activity will you do? What time are you dedicating to your workout? Block that in your calendar and make sure it happens.
  • Food – Tracking your food is the best way to keep yourself accountable and know what you’re eating. It also makes it easier to figure out what you might have to change down the road as your progress on your new fitness journey.
  • Body changes – Don’t just focus on the number on a scale to determine your success. Take measurements once a week or every two weeks to really see how your body is changing.

Tracking can also help keep you motivated when you might not be able to see physical changes just yet. You can look back on your progress so far and get motivated to keep going.

4. Get an Accountability Partner

Some people can’t stay motivated on their own, and that’s completely okay. Get yourself an accountability partner so you don’t quit or give up.

Whether it’s someone at the gym, a coworker, or a friend, an accountability partner is there to help you keep going. They don’t even have to be working on fitness goals to be an accountability partner.

People Working Out Together

Know someone who is a motivator and/or cheerleader with positive energy? These types of people make a great accountability partner. Tell them your goals and ask them to check in with you daily or weekly.

Whatever their goals are, make sure you are a positive motivator for them as well: 

  • Send inspirational quotes to each other 
  • Check-in as often as needed 
  • Remind each other of your personal WHY to keep you going.

5. Start Small at First

When you make a commitment to get back in shape, especially if you’re a beginner, you need to start small. Making unachievable and unrealistic goals will cause you to:

  • Burn out
  • Get injured
  • Give up

If your goal is to lose weight, shoot for small numbers. The CDC advises that a healthy weight loss is one to two pounds per week. Use these numbers and remember that being consistent and making a long-term commitment will ensure you stick to your goals.

Chubby Man Working Out

If you want to build strength, you also need to do this gradually. Start with a low weight to perfect your form and prevent injury. Once you can do 6 – 8 reps and three sets with ease, you’re ready to increase weight.

If you are 40 or older and getting back into shape, focus on muscle power. According to a study released earlier this year, muscle power starts to decline after age 40.

Building up your maximal power (the speed in which you can perform a movement or action) will improve your health. The study suggests that increased muscle power can help reduce cardiovascular disease and cancer.

6. Set Reminders to Get Moving

This is especially important for desk workers. It’s easy to get engrossed in work and before you know it, two hours have passed. It’s not good for your health to sit for more than an hour without getting up.

You should be getting up and walking at least five minutes each hour. Some suggest you should stand at least 30 minutes of every hour.

Man At Standing Desk

If that doesn’t seem realistic, consider asking for a standing desk in the workplace. A 2019 Employee Benefits Survey indicates that as much as 60% of businesses are now offering them to employees. This is up from just 25% five years ago.

If a standing desk isn’t an option for you, make sure you walk at least five minutes per hour (more is better). Set a calendar reminder that pops up on your desk. Or, get a fitness tracker that buzzes on your arm as a reminder.

7. Start at Home if the Gym Is Inaccessible or Intimidating

Some people can’t or don’t want to get back in shape at the gym right away. Whatever the reason, we can help with that. 

Sit Ups at Home

There are many bodyweight-only exercises you can do without equipment. Or, get a set of dumbbells or kettlebells to provide more workout options. There are lots of ways to work out at home, including using workout videos online if that’s more your speed.

If you choose workout videos, make sure you pay attention to your form to avoid injury.

8. Small Steps Add Up to Big Results

Sometimes it can be hard to get in your step count, especially if you are an aforementioned desk worker.

Walking Up Steps

Here are some tips to get in more steps and get better fitness results:

  • Park further away from your destination
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator
  • Walk the long way around to get to where you’re going
  • Make more trips between the house and car to unload groceries
  • Walk or bike somewhere instead of driving

These little actions can easily help you reach your step count or total active minutes.

9. Reflect on Your Past Successes

If you are looking to get back in shape, that means you used to work out at some point. Reminisce about those days and what you loved to do and also what you didn’t like to do.

Man Daydreaming On Run

If you really dislike the treadmill and running, don’t torture yourself by committing to these tasks. However, if you love yoga, pilates, and biking, make sure they are on your calendar whenever possible.

Looking forward to your workout is the best way to stay committed and reach your goals. If you dread your upcoming workout, it’s much easier to make excuses and skip your workout time.

Getting started is the hardest part, set yourself up for success by doing what you love as much as possible.

10. Mix It Up

Some people love repetition while others get bored. If you get easily bored or worry about hitting a plateau, make sure you mix up your routine. 

This can mean working different muscle groups, doing different routines, or running in a new park. Let’s look at a sample week for inspiration:

  • Day 1: Run for 30 minutes in a new park with a friend
  • Day 2: Strength training in the gym for 30 – 60 minutes
  • Day 3: Pilates or Zumba for 45 minutes
  • Day 4: Workout at home doing a 20 – 30 minute HIIT video

As you get stronger and meet your goals, increase workout days. But make sure you adhere to our next tip.

11. Always Include a Rest Day

When you’re working on getting back in shape, you shouldn’t be working out every day. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends 30 minutes of moderate activity five days per week.

That leaves you with two days each week for a rest day. Why are rest days important? There are a few reasons:

  • Allows your muscles to recover and rebuild
  • Avoids burnout and possible injury
  • Improves overall performance
  • Improves sleep
Man Running Near Forest

Now, that doesn’t mean rest days equal complete inactivity or cheat days with your food. You still want to drink plenty of water, eat healthily, and even do light exercise like:

  • Walking
  • Yoga
  • Leisurely swim

Try to space out your rest days and don’t just leave them to the weekend. Pick at least one day during the week to rest and recharge.

12. Celebrate and Create a Reward System

Working out consistently without rewarding yourself for meeting your goals is just no fun. Set up a reward system that allows you to celebrate your accomplishments. What brings you joy that doesn’t involve food?

Man Getting Massage

Here are some ideas:

  • Book a massage after you’ve worked out consistently for four weeks
  • Take a weekend trip when you’ve met your goal weight
  • Try out the new cryotherapy place in town after you progress in weightlifting (your muscles will probably thank you for this!)

Having rewards to look forward to keeps you motivated and helps celebrate your success.

13. Get Enough Sleep

People don’t get enough sleep for a number of reasons. This can lead to health problems including:

  • Obesity
  • Metabolic changes
  • Sleep apnea
  • Insomnia 
  • Fatigue

When you are working on getting back in shape, you might find that you sleep better. That’s because as little as 10 minutes of activity can help improve sleep quality and duration.

How much sleep should you get per night? The National Sleep Foundation advises that adults should get between seven and nine hours of sleep.

14. Plan Your Day

Studies show the benefits of working out in the morning and evening, so choosing which is a personal preference.

If you choose to workout in the morning, plan the night before. Set out your workout clothes plus your work outfit. Figure out what you’ll eat for breakfast, snack, and lunch and have it ready to go.

Packing Gym Bag

If you prefer working out in the evenings, you’ll still want to plan your day. Get your meals for the next day ready to go. Pack a workout bag to take with you if you’re going straight to the gym after work. 

15. Divide Your Workout

Some people stop exercising simply because they’re too busy. If this sounds like you, it might feel impossible to dedicate a specific timeframe to work out.

Man Planking

Consider breaking up your workout while doing everyday activities:

  • Do an at-home workout while catching up on your shoes
  • Do 20 squats or lunges while brushing your teeth
  • While dinner’s cooking, see how many pushups you can get in
  • Do a plank during each commercial break (break up into 30-second intervals)

This way, you’re still meeting your goals without having to take more time out of your busy schedule.

16. Make Better Food Choices

Before you start exercising to get back in shape, you need to take a hard look at your diet. There are probably things you can do to clean up your eating habits.

Healthy Food Options

You’ve probably heard over the years that diet is anywhere from 70 – 90 percent of weight loss. Though an exact ratio isn’t available, the fact remains, diet is more important than exercise to lose weight.

The easiest way to change your diet is to have portion control. Many Americans eat much more than they should at each meal, causing excess daily calorie limits.

A recent study found that 94% of restaurants and 72% of fast food restaurant portions are over the recommended limit. This is not just in the United States, but also in five other countries.

Is it any wonder that we have such a worldwide obesity epidemic that is getting worse over time? Almost everyone can benefit from eating fewer calories and making healthier food choices.

Not sure how and what you should be eating? We’ve reviewed different ways of eating and have a whole library of some of the best. Take a look and consider what might work for you.

17. Use Supplements to Boost Benefits

Even with the healthiest diets, some people still struggle to get certain nutrients. Using supplements can help boost your nutrition and have a positive impact on your workouts.

Healthy Supplements

Not sure what supplements are best for you? Check out our handy guide on supplements and how you should use them for the best success.

18. Build on Healthy Habits

Don’t try to change your entire life in just a few days. That can lead to burnout and overwhelm, making you want to quit before you even get started.

First, take a hard look at your diet and make changes there. Once you’ve done that for a few weeks, start exercising. Do just a couple of days and then work up to four or five days a week.

How you get back in shape is ultimately up to you, but it’s not going to be a fast process. Build on healthy habits to make sure they stick.

19. Don’t Forget to Warm-up and Cool Down

Once you start working out, don’t forget that you need to warm-up in the beginning and end with a cool down.

Man Stretching At Gym

Take just five or 10 minutes each before and after your workout. It can help with:

  • Muscle soreness
  • Improve metabolism
  • Increase calories burned
  • Prevent muscle cramps

20. Remember You’re Human and Nobody is Perfect

Don’t forget, you’re human and can make mistakes. If you happen to have a cheat day or miss a workout, it’s not the end of the world. Forgive yourself and realize that tomorrow is a brand new day.

Man Running Uphill

Be kind to yourself and don’t give up when you falter. Getting back into shape is like running a marathon. There will be times you:

  • Can’t see the finish line
  • Want to give up
  • Think the next hill is impossible to climb
  • Believe the race will never end

If you don’t give up, eventually you’ll realize that you’ve made it pretty far. And that’s a reason to celebrate and keep going.

Final Thoughts

We hope you enjoyed these 20 tips on how to get back in shape. No matter if you’re 30 or 50, it’s never too late to get back in shape and change your lifestyle.

No matter what your reasoning is for making the commitment, use these tips as a starting point. Focus on certain steps first before adding in other steps:

  • Mentality
  • Motivation
  • Tracking
  • Food
  • Exercise

Getting back in shape is only going to benefit your health. Seeing small improvements over time will lead to lifelong success.

Be proud of every accomplishment and remember that every day you fail, the next day is right around the corner.

Do you have any other tips on how to get back to shape? If we missed something you think is important, let us know in the comments!

Disclaimer: None of the individuals and/or companies mentioned necessarily endorse Old School Labs products or the contents of this article. Any programs provided for illustration purposes only. Always consult with your personal trainer, nutritionist and physician before changing or starting any new exercise, nutrition, or supplementation program.
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Old School Labs™ is the maker of premium supplements that carry on the fitness values of the “Golden Era” of bodybuilding. Old School Labs™ products do not hide behind proprietary blends, contain no artificial sweeteners or artificial flavors, and are manufactured using only high-quality ingredients.
